Kenwood Care is pleased to announce outdoor, assisted living contact free visitation for family member visits in its homes in Howard County, Maryland.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Kenwood Care Assisted Living has largely followed the guidance and rules provided by the state. Kenwood has also used counsel from medical partners and their own judgement to decide what is best for the residents, staff, and families. The policies of Kenwood Care have been stricter than those ordered by the state, or sometimes adjusted because of our mode which has kept us COVID-free. As the visitation policy is opened, Kenwood will remain more stringent than the state guidelines.
- Visits will take place outside of the facility.
- Loved ones, residents, and staff members all must be masked.
- There can be no contact whatsoever.
- You will maintain social distancing remaining 6 feet apart.
- There will be a plastic barrier between loved ones and residents/staff.
- No more than two family members will be allowed to visit at any one time.
- Visits will take place only from 1pm-4pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
- Contact the House Manager to ensure an open time.
- Please limit your visits to no more than 15 minutes.
Kenwood has maintained four COVID-free assisted living homes and will remain vigilant to stay this way. Families are reminded and encouraged to use phones, FaceTime, and Skype to stay connected to loved ones. Kenwood is constantly exploring and evaluating the delicate balance between keeping everyone safe and increased opportunities for care/treatments/interactions for the residents and the staff.
Kenwood Care has 4 locations in Howard County Maryland. If you would like more information on one of their assisted living homes, contact us today. Victoria or John Sessler would love to speak with you and answer any questions that you may have. You can also visit our FAQ page for additional information about Kenwood Care Assisted Living.