Dementia is scary, no matter what stage it’s at. We can allow for those “senior moments,” but what happens when senior moments simply become “moments”? The early stages of dementia are a lot like senior moments, but more frequent and obvious. Today, we’re going to talk about the signs and symptoms of Dementia, and how to approach your loved one about it.
Know the Signs and Symptoms
One of the most common and obvious signs of the early stages of dementia is memory loss that disrupts daily life. This means repeatedly asking for the same information, increasing dependency on memory aids like reminder notes and electronic devices, or forgetting important dates and events. Confusing dates, events, times or places is another symptom. Difficulty completing familiar tasks, trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships, new problems with words in text or verbally, decreased or poor judgment, misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps, withdrawal from work or social activities, and changes in mood and personality are also all signs of the early stages of Dementia. If you’re worried about your loved one’s early stage symptoms, perhaps it’s time to consider assisted living in Laurel, MD.
Talking to Your Loved One
Talking to your loved one about Dementia might be hard. For starters, you want to decide who is going to talk to your loved one about Dementia and what steps should be taken next. There might be certain people your loved one is more receptive to, and it’s crucial that the right people are present during this conversation.
When you start to see the signs, plan to have the conversation about Dementia as soon as possible. It’s important to know beforehand that any conversation you have planned with your loved one may not go the way you want it to, but you still need to listen. Make sure that you’re offering undivided support and listening to what your loved one is saying. Your loved one may be in denial or confused about the subject matter and why you’re bringing it up, so be understanding and help them come to an understanding about what’s happening.
If part of your plan moving forward is to put your loved one in to local assisted living, contact Kenwood Care for more information about our services and how we can help you and your loved one through this hard time.