Does Your Assisted Living Home Hold Itself to a Higher Standard?

Does Your Assisted Living Home Hold Itself to a Higher Standard?

Kenwood Care Assisted Living is continuously fielding referrals that hail from across the industry, both from private practices and larger facilities that are seeking a different kind of care for patients. The reason for this outpouring of support? Around here we call...
The Benefits of Assisted Living for Aging Couples

The Benefits of Assisted Living for Aging Couples

As people age, it’s natural for them to want to stay in the comfort of their own homes. As health issues arise, however, this can become increasingly challenging. Assisted living for aging couples provide a safe, comfortable environment for seniors who are no longer...

What Can Your Loved One Expect in Assisted Living?

If you have been considering transitioning your aging loved one to assisted living, you may be feeling a rollercoaster of emotions. Will your loved one be safe? Will the facility provide any medical care? Will they be comfortable and feel at home? Well, here’s...

Should You Take Over the Full-Time Care of Your Loved One?

If you have aging parents and the physical space necessary to house and care for them late in their lives, it may be tempting to offer them the ability to age in place rather than transfer to an assisted living facility. Perhaps you are concerned for their comfort and...

Assessing Your Loved One’s Situation

As your parents and other loved ones get older, their capabilities in handling daily self-care will change. If you start to notice a decline, feeling concern for your loved ones is perfectly natural. This is when assessing a senior for assisted living comes into play....

Differences Between Assisted Living and Nursing Homes

As we get older, our needs change from day to day. Sometimes we need help remembering our medication or with laundry. Sometimes we need a little help with meals and staying active. It’s simply part of getting older. There are many seniors who think of assisted...
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